Monday, July 31, 2006

Sick to the core

Christopher Hitchens on Mel Gibson (at Slate): "[I]t has been obvious for some time to the most meager intelligence that he is sick to his empty core with Jew-hatred."

Grotesque, vindictive bloodbaths like Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ aside, can you watch his old movies anymore without thinking about his anti-Semitism, not to mention his other vicious prejudices? Are the Lethal Weapon movies nearly as enjoyable as they used to be (at least the first two)? How about a decent movie like Maverick? How about more serious movies like Gallipoli and The Year of Living Dangerously? Or how about Chicken Run, perhaps one of the two best movies he's done (his voice is far more compelling than his acting)? Or Signs, the other one, Shyamalan's brilliant examination of faith?

I'm not sure I can anymore. It's hard to look past the ugly, despicable bigotry that has come to define him.

(Creature has more on the Gibson slur here.)

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