Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The ISG aftermath

By Creature

Politically speaking, can't it be said the White House's reaction to the Iraq Study Group's report has been a complete and utter failure? They chose to embraced the "new way forward" slogan and go out on an elaborate listening tour, all the while knowing that they would continue to stay the course just under a new and bolder name. But in opening up the decision making process they have opened up a can of worms: leaks, delays, back-stabbing, public support in the toilet, a shaken and defensive "I will not be rushed" president, Tony Snow having to defend the process, and the president, day after day after day. Not the smoothest sailing for the boys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but then again, politically speaking, these folks -- Karl Rove -- have been off their political game for a while now.

(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

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  • I think in their mind, any acquiescing to the realities presented in the report (and this is not to say that the report didn't tamper down the magnitude of the problems in Iraq) would have been a failure.

    Doing what the report suggests represents the total failure of the Administration's position. and the only way you can fail, it seems, is to acknowledge failure. Everything else is just spin, no matter how many people die in reality.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:56 PM  

  • On the one hand this whole bizarre drama is really pathetic; on the other hand it is utterly tragic because the Decider(s) can't seem to acknowledge the actual casualty levels involved. How can people not see that fewer deaths would be a kind of success to celebrate?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:21 PM  

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