Friday, December 22, 2006

A tale of two headlines

By Creature

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino came out today to remind the press that it was their duty to print a positive story* about the all the work the president will be doing over the holidays. There will be meetings, there will be mulling, but there won't be any decided.

Bush plans to meet with the National Security Council on Thursday for "further consultations" about Iraq, said Perino.

"I would not consider that to be a decisional meeting," she said.

As the president mulls, people die. What a mess this presidency has become. Train. Wreck.

*though this Reuters reporter did manage to end his/her "hard work" story on a liberal pleasing note:

But as his helicopter landed in a field near the medical center, a house across the street displayed signs saying, "Bush lied, Innocents died" and "Peace on Earth."

Peace on Earth, indeed.

(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)

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