Thursday, January 24, 2008

John Gibson is still an asshole

By Michael J.W. Stickings

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Fox News's John Gibson is an asshole of astounding proportions.

His latest outburst of assholery? -- mocking the death of Heath Ledger, mocking both Ledger himself and the circumstances of his death.

I'm with Pam and Chris on this: Gibson is a sick, sick man, and he deserves to be fired, to be banished from the airwaves.

But of course it's Fox, where Gibson's bigotry, ignorance, and idiocy -- which is to say, the many components that make up the gaping spectrum of his assholery -- are right at home.

A network of assholes extraordinaire is not about to fire one of its most exemplary hosts.

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  • If you haven't seen it, as far as the Heath Ledger mockery goes... there was a Best Buy manager who within hours of his death created the store sale where we honor the memory of a great actor... by getting a discount on any movie he starred in, for a limited time.

    There are photos out on the web, sorry I don't have a link.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 AM  

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