Friday, November 28, 2008

Dear Mr. Blitzer

By Capt. Fogg

If you would kindly stop "looking for the fingerprints of al Qaeda" and limit your wild speculations about who is doing this, we might have a better chance of understanding what is actually going on in Mumbai and taking you to be a serious journalist.

At this point there is no evidence that points more toward al Qaeda than toward the enemies of India, yet you go on and on and on trying to coerce an endless string of experts into backing up your obsessive conjecture while "Possible Al Qaeda connection" scrolls across the screen. It's quite possible that this is not primarily about us at all.

Please remember that it isn't terrorism unless we are terrified and your hysteria serves only to blow this incident up disproportionately. Were you screaming about the human tragedy while we were blowing the hell out of Baghdad? No, you were like an excited schoolboy asking "Is this the shockinaw? Are we in the shockinaw yet?" Your credibility with regard to the dramatic lament over lost American lives has long since been sullied.

When you have nothing to say, which is a good deal of the time, please shut up.

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  • Wow - harsh! And Wolf is a liberal!! But Fogg, I must say, your moral equivalency is revolting.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:33 AM  

  • You again? If you're so revolted, why is your nose constantly up my behind like some horny dog?

    When you have nothing to say, which is a good deal of the time, please shut up.

    "Liberal" has an actual meaning having nothing to do with the way he reports the news. Blitzer is a sensationalist, an opportunist, a man of hyperbole and conjecture and you, if you think nationality matters when it comes to the value of a human life, you're beyond revolting. But of course you know that, being the sort of person who has to get his satisfaction from farting and belching at a dinner party because he can't contribute to the conversation.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 8:54 AM  

  • Since I'm not an Arab, I neither fart nor belch at the dinner table to get attention.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:33 AM  

  • Well said all around, Capt. Fogg.

    By Blogger creature, at 9:58 AM  

  • Thanks, Creature, but I'm afraid it won't make him go away. He's been following me around for a while. Perhaps it's some sort of Gay infatuation.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 5:34 PM  

  • Why is gay capitalized in your post? I didn't think they were real human beings?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:33 PM  

  • Apparently you didn't - and you think Arabs are rude. And you're still here, sniffing.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 9:46 AM  

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