Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Romney-Perry 2012?

Via twitter:

"John Judis's pet theory: Romney persuaded Perry to stay in the race. Suggests keeping close eye on who Perry superpac attacks."

-- Noam Scheiber (@noamscheiber)
It's hard to imagine Romney going with Perry after the Texas governor's embarrassing performance, but he would need tho pick a solid right-winger and Perry certainly has the bona fides, if not the skill.

Though Perry may be too far out there on the right for the national stage, what with past flirtations with neo-secessionism and Tentherism, among other things. And who can forget his ugly gay-baiting in Iowa?

More likely, it would be a young conservative stud like Ryan or Rubio, or maybe Haley if she can deliver him South Carolina and help beef up his faux right-wing cred. Or maybe a more established fiscal conservative like Daniels.

Though Perry would be an amusing choice, for sure. Imagine the veep debate. Biden may often stick his foot in his mouth, but Perry, who can barely string a coherent sentence together, when he can even stay awake and remember where he is, makes him look like a Shakespearean orator in the mold of Sir Laurence Olivier with the cerebral firepower of a Stephen Hawking.

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